

Picture a sunny day in Constable's Country... On a sunny day, look out for Moley moving.  Look for earth being pushed to the surface.
I'm told that Moley works in four hour shifts. My most successful catching time has been between 9:30 and 11:00 am.  However, this may simply be that I've not been at work during other periods of activity.
... hose connected & water turned on ... Attach a hose to a water supply and turn on.  I'm told you can use a watering can instead but it has never worked for me.
... but with the hose pinched to let you control of the water flow ... Pinch the hose to stop the supply at the business end - then approach Moley's hill...
... while you approach the mole hill. Keep quiet.  Approach slowly and gently, with hose in hand.



start again

get ready

catch your mole


keeping score

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